Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Artists of the High Renaissance Essay -- Visual Arts Paintings Art

The Artists of the High Renaissance High Renaissance, that period of art at the beginning of the sixteenth century, has been referred to as one of the great explosions of artistic and creative genius in history. Most notable it seems, for producing three of the greatest artists in history: Da Vinci, Michaelangelo, and Raphael, the High Renaissance was referred to as such not only because it was a period of great and high art, but equally so, because it was essentially the culmination of the cycle of art which preceded it, known as the Early Renaissance. â€Å"Renaissance† stems from the French verb â€Å"naitre,† meaning â€Å"to be born†. Thus, the Renaissance would forever be known as the â€Å"rebirth† of critical artistic thoughts and ideals. Emerging from the much more gothic and religious period that came before, the Renaissance would most certainly prove to be one of the most enlightened periods in art and thought that history would ever see. Italian High Renaissance artists achieved ideal of harmony and balance comparable with the works of ancient Greece or Rome. Renaissance Classicism was a form of art that removed the extraneous detail and showed the world as it was. Forms, colors and proportions, light and shade effects, spatial harmony, composition, perspective, anatomy - all are handled with total control and a level of accomplishment for which there are no real precedents. The High Renaissance included such great artists as Bacchiacca, the painter of Ev...

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