Friday, September 6, 2019

Psychological Disorders Essay Example for Free

Psychological Disorders Essay This paper aims to discuss three psychological disorders along with its primary symptoms and usual signs of trouble linked with the disorders. It also intends to state why it is important to be aware of these symptoms. The first one is categorized as â€Å"mood disorders† (Types of Psychological Disorders, n. d. , n. p. ). The primary symptoms exhibited here include: strong/severe and insistent feelings (Types of Psychological Disorders, n. d. , n. p. ). Furthermore, one of its subcategories known as â€Å"Bipolar Disorder† show the following signs: 1) if an individual is in a positive mode, he or she is extremely energetic; 2) but if she or he is depressed, his or her self-esteem tends to fall so low to the point of contemplating on suicide; 3) he or she may also â€Å"become engaged in too much eating, drinking, sexual activities, etcetera† (Types of Psychological Disorders, n. d. , n. p. ). With this psychological disorder, it is important to be aware of the symptoms because there are other mood disorders which also exhibit some of the symptoms/signs linked with â€Å"Bipolar Disorder†. The second is known as â€Å"personality disorders† (Franklin, 1999, n. p. ). One of its sub-categories is named â€Å"anti-social personality disorder† wherein the primary symptom exhibited is disobeying rules (Franklin, 1999, n. p. ). The usual sign linked with this, on the other hand, is â€Å"lying† and the worse is that it is carried out just for fun (Franklin, 1999, n. p. ). Last but not least is â€Å"anxiety disorders† (Franklin, 1999, n. p. ). One of its subcategories is known as â€Å"phobia† which exhibits the following primary symptoms: â€Å"tight feelings of fear† (Types of Psychological Disorders, n. . , n. p. ). The usual sign linked with it is when a person is too scared even if his or her extreme fear is unreasonable (Ticao, 2001, p. 358). On a final note, with these psychological disorders, it is important to be aware of the symptoms because there are other mood, personality, and anxiety disorders which also exhibit some of the symptoms/signs linked with â€Å"Bipolar Disorder†, â€Å"anti-social personality disorder†, and phobia, respectively.

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