Tuesday, March 17, 2020
How To Be More Productive With Your Spare Time
How To Be More Productive With Your Spare Time If thereââ¬â¢s one thing most bloggers know about writing its that its very time consuming. And when time is money, you certainly canââ¬â¢t afford to waste it. My theory is, if you can be more productive even in 5 minutes, you will find that you end up writing more throughout the week with less time on your hands. I want to share a few secret habits of mine that have stuck around since I started content writing, and Iââ¬â¢m sure have saved me hundreds of precious minutes and more than a few dollars. How To Be More Productive With Your Spare 5, 30, And 60 Minutes You are not alone in the struggle of writing. Most successful bloggers would not manage their over-stretched workload without amazing tools to help them save time and write more. The most efficient tools are ones you can use on the move in short periods of time, and if youââ¬â¢re anything like me, then you will understand how every moment can be used for something productive toward your writing. So here it is, howà to maximize your time, actually get more stuff done, and be more productive. Oh, and a quote to help you on your content writing way: Do. Or do not. There is no try. - Yoda How To Useà Your Spare 5 Minutes To Be More Productive You may wonder, "How can I achieve anything in 5 minutes?" The answer is simple: Do your micro tasks to free up time later on. This method to help you write more is super handyà when youââ¬â¢re on the go. Whether you are on the bus, train, or in between projects, 5 minutes can mean a lot.à You probably spend 5 minutes listening to a song and a half on your way to work. Here is what you can do instead: 1. Network. If you are in the blogging or content writing sphere, it is important to make and keep connections. You can spend 5 minutes either calling or sending a message to your blogger friend- make it a useful 5 minutes by asking them a question. Twitter chats are a really useful way of networking and a great place to ask questions that people actually reply to! 2. Be creative. Start that infographic/visual idea you always wanted to do. OK, it will inevitably take longer than 5 minutes, but forming the idea won't; it will give you the push to finally do it. Remember that innovation is a painstaking process, and every minute you have spare to process it is essential. Spend spare minutes on innovative ideas to increase your productivity.3. Create a quote. Ever wonder how people come up with all those lovely quotes in their writing? They spend 5 minutes coming up with them. By writing or searching forà twoà quotes a day, you will find your blog writing becoming deeper and much more personal, and we all know readers love personal content, right? 4.à Share your content. Send a tweet to someone in your niche. In my opinion, this is one of the most useful things you can do with your 5 minutes. You can find people to connect with by searching for hashtags in your industry and find discussions to get involved in or influencers to ask questions. Oh, and always respond to someone who tweets you. Respondà immediatelyà or as soon asà possible. This will allow you to create aà relationship with your community. The larger community you build, the moreà loyal your followers will be.à Another option is to go back over your old posts and share them. My secret habit: I like using Twitter for accessing events, even if I canââ¬â¢t attend them. By tweeting relevant posts with the eventââ¬â¢s hashtag, you can revive traffic to old content and bring more people to your blog. You will meet influencers in your industry and your content will live a bit longer because people search for the event hashtag even days/weeks after it ended. Even better, this really does take only 5 minutes. 5. Use your surroundingsà for visual inspiration in your content. EyeEm (Andoid, iOS) is a funky app you should download now. When you are traveling in your daily life, you can use this app to capture amazing shots that you can later add to your content, or even sell them to make money. Now if that isnââ¬â¢t being efficient, I donââ¬â¢t know what is. EyeEm helps you manage your pictures to capture visual inspiration for your content when you're on the go. My secret habit: I like to get unusual shots with my phone, even if it's of a cup of coffee or an empty bench. I keep these pictures for later and it sometimes gives me my most creative ideas. I've activated the automatic Google Drive backup, so every picture I take is saved in MyDrive. Take pictures as your content ideas. It helps you avoid stock photography, gives your content a personal story, and helps you use your spare time to be more productive. 6. Exploreà catchy new hooks for your content. Portent's Title Makerà is probably one of my favorite tools for content creation. Basically, enter a keyword and it produces countless options of headlines. You donââ¬â¢t always have to take these headlines and literally use them in your post, you can also use them as a basis for exploring ideas. With 5 minutes, Iââ¬â¢ve estimated you can come up with aboutà 250 titles to work with. While theà Title Maker is quick and easy, it's still a robot.à So there are times where the headlines comes out a little like gibberish or not grammatically correct. This is why Portent is an excellent idea finder, andà once you find your idea, you can then use 'sà headline analyzerà to check your SEO score and make sure your headlines will get clicks. My secret habit: If Iââ¬â¢m having a bad writing day, I like to put the names of famous people as the subject. Some of the results have really brightened up my day and motivated me in the rest of my writing. Start with Justin Bieber. How To Use Your Spare 30 Minutes To Be More Productive OK, so in 30 minutes you might be able to achieve something more meaningful when it comes to actual content writing. The amount of time it takes to watch an episode of How I Met Your Mother is the same amount of time you could use to create new content ideas. Now I am all for sitcom TV and downtime Facebook stalking, but when statistics show that we spend 1.77 hours a day on social media, it's time to make a change. Here are 3 things you could do instead: 1. Refresh those old blog posts with more up to date research. Your readers will appreciate the attention you give to all of your content. 2. Reply to all your blog comments. This is a crucial way of engaging your audience and create discussion around your topics. 3. Add a to your posts. Encouraging sharing is one of the best ways of getting more exposure for your work. 3 ways to improve your #contentà instead of binge watching Netflix.Save awesome content to read later when you have spare time. Pocket is my new favorite tool. Ità will help you bookmark information you want to read for later. This idea will save you time for when you come to sit down and write. Instead of spending 1ââ¬â2 hours researching, you will already have a list of great articles to refer to. And the best part about this tool is that it works within other apps you might be using like Flipboard or Twitter. My secret habit: My favorite place to Pocket articles from is Feedly. This way, I can browse multiple articles and bookmark the ones I want to read for later. It's almost a daily habit now, and this way I have a constant stream of articles to read when I have more time. Brainstorm new ideas. bubbl.us is a fantastic brain mapping tool to get your ideas flowing. Start by inputting a core idea and see your idea grow. You can use it either as a desktop version or download the app on your iPhone or Android device. My secret habit: 30 minutes is really quite a long time to brainstorm one topic. I sometimes like to go over two topics,à 15 minutes each, leaving more time for writing when I get to the latter topic. Take a break. I know that this one sticks out like a sore thumb, but itââ¬â¢s supposed to! Donââ¬â¢t put so much pressure on yourself to do everything in one day. Having a 30-minute break from your writing is just as important as being productive with the time you have. The more relaxed you are, the more creative you will be, so put your computer/phone/tablet on hibernate and take a walk outside. Really: A study by the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology found that participants who took 20-minute breaks for progressive relaxation (like meditation) came back to work more productive than when they left. Even better if you are at home:à Have a power nap.à They're proven to improve concentration and performance, which is essential to any writer. How To Use 1 Hourà Toà Be More Productive With one hour to spare, you might not feel there is enough time to really sit and get into that blog post youââ¬â¢ve been meaning to write. There are other things you could be doing to get more writing done in this short amount of time: Reinvent your content with LinkedIn Publisher. Most people these days have LinkedIn for connection building reasons, but not every blogger is using it as a tool for content distribution. With one hour, you can repurpose (rewrite) an older blog post and start building a presence on this platform. You will be doubling your writing output without even realizing it. LinkedIn is more effective with articles that offer real solutions for problems or insights that have been backed by research. So try to take the core elements from previously published posts and put a new angle on them. Once you rewrite your post, share it in many different LinkedIn groups for maximum exposure. My secret habit: I like to connect with people whoà comment on my posts on LinkedIn. They are often from the same niche that I come from, and I find that this technique has led to valuable leads such as guest posting. Repurpose your content with SlideShare. I love using this tool when I donââ¬â¢t have time to write a full post. 1 hour is enough to get together a good SlideShare. For example, if you wrote a few posts on a specific topic, you can turn them into an informative SlideShare that will attract different readers to your site. Whether itââ¬â¢s to repurpose content or to get some more content out on a different medium, this is a great tool to help you write more in less time. Oh, did I mention it's free? My secret habit: If you've everà presented anywhere, upload your slides to SlideShare.à With the right tags, you can reach thousands of interested readers which will bring them back to your site. This means you are maximizing your writing through several channels. Learn how to do what you doà even better with Coursera. There are so many online learning courses available, itââ¬â¢s quite amazing. Coursera is one of the best platforms that offers a variety of different lectures. In an hour, you can improve your writing skills, learn how to code your WordPress blog, or even get to grips with your Google Analytics. These courses may not be directly related to writing, though developing these skills will save you time in other aspects of your day that will eventually give you more time for writing. The Extras That Will Save You Time These are tools I recommend if you are looking for that extra something to get you writing more in less time: 1.à E.ggà Timer:à A typical problemà for content writers is actually sitting and writing for a block period of time without doing something else. If you recognize this behavior, start restricting yourà timeà with E.gg Timer. All you need to do is write how much time you want to focus for, and you will get a notification reminding you it's tea time. Try and stick with it and you will find your workflow increases and improves. 2.à TrenDemon:à Iââ¬â¢ve been wanting to use a popup subscriber for a while (sorry, I know we hate to love them) and I found that TrenDemon has great A/B testing methods. They have a free plan for publishers, so I recommend this as a starting point for optimizing your blog subscribing process. By worrying less about picking up subscribers, you will be giving yourself much more time for actual writing. 3.à GetResponse:à If youââ¬â¢re looking for a way to save time for writing, you should stop using that Excel sheet for your subscriber email database. Firstly, itââ¬â¢s not secure, and secondly, it's so time consuming having to send all of the email newsletters yourself. GetResponse is a great option for blogs with more thanà 1,000 subscribers who want to have easy access to newsletter designs that can be sent automatically. They have a 30-day free trial that is worth checking out, with many cool features like inbox preview that lets you see what your newsletter will look like across different platforms. I hope these tips have helped you get ahead of the time game to help you write more in your busy schedules. My overall general habit is to try and find productive creative outputs in everything that I do. I know itââ¬â¢s not always possible, but this dedication to your writing will become easier over time, and you will find yourself writing more as you get used to this new way of being productive with your time. Just get your free copy of the productivity template toà try out some of these tips the next time you have a few spare minutes.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Prendre Conjugation in French, Translation, and Examples
Prendre Conjugation in French, Translation, and Examples The French verb prendre,à which commonly means to take,à is a frequently used and very flexibleà irregular French -re verb. The good news is thatà prendre can help you learn similar verbs. In this article you can find the different meanings and the most frequently used prendre conjugations: the present, present progressive, compound past, imperfect, simple future, near future indicative, the conditional, the present subjunctive, as well as the imperative and the gerund of prendre. There are other verb tenses for prendre, but they are not used as frequently. For example, the passà © simple and imperfect subjunctive are formal and most often found in writing. Prendre Is the Model for an Irregular -re Verb Subgroup There are patterns for irregular Frenchà -re verbs, andà prendreà is in one of those groups. In fact, all verbs ending in the root wordà -prendreà are conjugated the same way. These verbs drop the d in all three plural forms and take a double n in the third person plural.à This means that after you learn the conjugations forà prendre, you can apply what you learned to conjugate these other verbs: Apprendreà to learnComprendreà à to understandEntreprendreà à to undertakeMà ©prendreà à to mistakeReprendreà à to retake, take againSurprendreà à to surprise The Many Meanings of Prendre The verbà prendreà usually means to take, both literally and figuratively. Il ma pris par le bras.à à He took me by the arm.Tu peux prendre le livre.à à You can take the book.Je vais prendre une photo.à à Im going to take a picture.Prenez votre temps. Take your time. Prendreà is such a flexible verb that it can change meanings based on the context. The following is a list of some of the uses of prendre, although there are many more. Prendreà can mean to come over or to strike: La colà ¨re ma pris. à I was overcome with anger.Quest-ce qui te prendà ?à (informal) à Whats come over you? Whats the matter with you? Prendre may also mean to catch in instances such as: Je lai pris tricher. à I caught him cheating. There are times when prendreà will take on the meaning of to take in, to dupe, or to fool: On ne my prendra plus ! à They wont fool me again! You may also use prendre when you want to say to handle or to deal with: Il y a plusieurs moyens de prendre le problà ¨me. à There are several ways to deal with the problem. One of your options for saying to set is a form ofà prendre: Le ciment na pas encore pris. The cement hasnt set yet.à When you want to say to do well, to catch on, or to be successful you can also turn toà prendre: Ce livre va prendre. à This book is going to be a great success. Sometimes, prendreà can even mean to catch or to start: Jespà ¨re que le bois va prendre. à I hope the wood catches on fire. Finally, prendreà can also mean to pick up or to fetch, especially when used with another verb: Passe me prendre midi. à Come pick me up at noon.Peux-tu me prendre demainà ? Can you pick me up tomorrow? Using Se Prendre Theà pronominalà se prendreà has several meanings as well. To consider oneself:à Il se prend pour un expert. à He thinks hes an expert.To get caught, trapped:à Ma manche sest prise dans la porte. à My sleeve got caught in the door. You may also useà sen prendre , which meansà to blame, to challenge, or to attack: Tu ne peux ten prendre qu toi-mà ªme. à You only have yourself to blame.Il sen est pris son chien. à He took it out on his dog. Similarly, the constructionà sy prendre à means to do something about it: Il faut sy prendre. à We have to do something about it. We have to take care of it. Expressions With Prendre There are manyà idiomatic expressionsà using the French verbà prendre.à Among the most common are these which you can use to practice yourà prendreà conjugations. Prendre sa retraiteà to retirePrendre une dà ©cisionà to make a decisionPrendreà un potà (informal) to have a drinkQuest-ce qui ta prisà ?à Whats gotten into you?ÃÅ tre pris à to be tied up, busy Present Indicative Je prends Je prends le petit dà ©jeuner 7 heures du matin. I have breakfast at 7 in the morning. Tu prends Tu prends le train pour aller travailler. You take the train to go to work. Il/Elle/On prend Elle prend un verre de vin la fin de la journà ©e. She has a glass of wine at the end of the day. Nous prenons Nous prenons beaucoup de photos pendant le voyage. We take many photos during the trip. Vous prenez Vous prenez le livre de la bibliothà ¨que. You take the book from the library. Ils/Elles prennent Ils prennent des notes en classe. They take notes in class. Present Progressive Indicative The present progressive in French is formed with the present tense conjugation of the verb à ªtre (to be) en train de the infinitive verb (prendre). Je suis en train de prendre Je suis en train de prendre le petit dà ©jeuner 7 heures du matin. I am having breakfast at 7 in the morning. Tu es en train de prendre Tu es en train de prendre le train pour aller travailler. You are taking the train to go to work. Il/Elle/On est en train de prendre Elle est en train de prendre un verre de vin la fin de la journà ©e. She is having a glass of wine at the end of the day. Nous sommes en train de prendre Nous sommes en train de prendre beaucoup de photos pendant le voyage. We are taking many photos during the trip. Vous à ªtes en train de prendre Vous à ªtes en train de prendre le livre de la bibliothà ¨que. You are taking the book from the library. Ils/Elles sont en train de prendre Ils sont en train de prendre des notes en classe. They are taking notes in class. Compound Past Indicative Theà passà © composà ©Ã is translated to English as the simple past. It is formed using the auxiliary verbà avoirà and the past participleà pris.à For example, we took isà nous avons pris. Je ai pris J'ai pris le petit dà ©jeuner 7 heures du matin. I had breakfast at 7 in the morning. Tu as pris Tu as pris le train pour aller travailler. You took the train to go to work. Il/Elle/On a pris Elle a pris un verre de vin la fin de la journà ©e. She had a glass of wine at the end of the day. Nous avons pris Nous avons pris beaucoup de photos pendant le voyage. We took many photos during the trip. Vous avez pris Vous avez pris le livre de la bibliothà ¨que. You took the book from the library. Ils/Elles ont pris Ils ont pris des notes en classe. They took notes in class. Imperfect Indicative The imperfect tense is used to talk about ongoing events or repeated actions in the past. It can be translated to English as was taking or used to take. Je prenais Je prenais le petit dà ©jeuner 7 heures du matin. I used to eat breakfast at 7 in the morning. Tu prenais Tu prenais le train pour aller travailler. You used to take the train to go to work. Il/Elle/On prenait Elle prenait un verre de vin la fin de la journà ©e. She used to have a glass of wine at the end of the day. Nous prenions Nous prenions beaucoup de photos pendant le voyage. We used to take many photos during the trip. Vous preniez Vous preniez le livre de la bibliothà ¨que. You used to take the book from the library. Ils/Elles prenaient Ils prenaient des notes en classe. They used to take notes in class. Simple Future Indicative Je prendrai Je prendrai le petit dà ©jeuner 7 heures du matin. I will eat breakfast at 7 in the morning. Tu prendras Tu prendras le train pour aller travailler. You will take the train to go to work. Il/Elle/On prendra Elle prendra un verre de vin la fin de la journà ©e. She will have a glass of wine at the end of the day. Nous prendrons Nous prendrons beaucoup de photos pendant le voyage. We will take many photos during the trip. Vous prendrez Vous prendrez le livre de la bibliothà ¨que. You will take the book from the library. Ils/Elles prendront Ils prendront des notes en classe. They will take notes in class. Near Future Indicative The near future is translated to English as going to verb. In French it is formed with the present tense conjugation of the verb aller (to go) the infinitive (prendre). Je vais prendre Je vais prendre le petit dà ©jeuner 7 heures du matin. I am going to eat breakfast at 7 in the morning. Tu vas prendre Tu vas prendre le train pour aller travailler. You are going to take the train to go to work. Il/Elle/On va prendre Elle va prendre un verre de vin la fin de la journà ©e. She is going to have a glass of wine at the end of the day. Nous allons prendre Nous allons prendre beaucoup de photos pendant le voyage. We are going to take many photos during the trip. Vous allez prendre Vous allez prendre le livre de la bibliothà ¨que. You are going to take the book from the library. Ils/Elles vont prendre Ils vont prendre des notes en classe. They are going to take notes in class. Conditional The conditional is used to talk about hypothetical or possible events. It can be used to form if clauses or to express a polite request. Je prendrais Je prendrais le petit dà ©jeuner 7 heures du matin si j'avais le temps. I would eat breakfast at 7 in the morning if I had the time. Tu prendrais Tu prendrais le train pour aller travailler si c'à ©tait moins coà »teux. You would take the train to go to work if it were less expensive. Il/Elle/On prendrait Elle prendrait un verre de vin la fin de la journà ©e si elle n'à ©tait trop fatiguà ©e. She would have a glass of wine at the end of the day if she were not too tired. Nous prendrions Nous prendrions beaucoup de photos pendant le voyage si nous avions une bonne camà ©ra. We would take many photos during the trip if we had a good camera. Vous prendriez Vous prendriez le livre de la bibliothà ¨que si vous le vouliez. You would take the book from the library if you wanted it. Ils/Elles prendraient Ils prendraient des notes en classe s'ils pouvaient. They would take notes in class if they could. Present Subjunctive You will use the subjunctive whenever the action of taking is uncertain. Que je prenne Marie propose que je prenne le petit dà ©jeuner 7 heures du matin. Marie proposes that I eat breakfast at 7 in the morning. Que tu prennes Jacques suggà ¨re que tu prennes le train pour aller travailler. Jacques suggests that you take the train to go to work. Qu'il/elle/on prenne Anne conseille qu'elle prenne un verre de vin la fin de la journà ©e. Anne advises that shehave a glass of wine at the end of the day. Que nous prenions Notre mà ¨re exige que nous prenions beaucoup de photos pendant le voyage. Our mother demands that we take many photos during the trip. Que vous preniez Laurent prà ©fà ¨re que vous preniez le livre de la bibliothà ¨que. Laurent prefers that you take the book from the library. Qu'ils/elles prennent Le professeur souhaite qu'ils prennent des notes en classe. The professor wishes that they take notes in class. Imperative When usingà prendreà in theà imperativeà to express a command, you do not need to state the subject pronoun. For instance, useà prendsà rather thanà tu prends. To form the negative commands, simply place ne...pas around the positive command. Positive commands Tu prends ! Prends le train pour aller travailler ! Take the train to go to work! Nous prenons! Prenons beaucoup de photos pendant le voyage ! Let's take many photos during the trip! Vous preniez! Preniez le livre de la bibliothà ¨que ! Take the book from the library! Negative commands Tu ne prends pas ! Ne prends pas le train pour aller travailler ! Don't take the train to go to work! Nous ne prenons pas! Ne prenons pas beaucoup de photos pendant le voyage ! Let's not take many photos during the trip! Vous ne preniez pas! Ne preniez pas le livre de la bibliothà ¨que ! Don't take the book from the library! Present Participle/Gerund Theà present participleà in French has several different uses. One of them is to form the gerund (usually preceded by the preposition en), which is often used to talk about simultaneous actions. Present participle/gerund ofPrendre prenant Je t'ai vu en prenant mon petit dà ©jeuner. I saw you while I was eating my breakfast.
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