Friday, January 24, 2020
We Should Build New Sports Stadiums :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
We Should Build New Sports Stadiums In Roger G. Nollââ¬â¢s article on pro sportsââ¬â¢ stadiums in the New York Times, he states that a new baseball stadium in New York City (or anywhere else) is too costly to construct. Mr. Noll is an economist and so it stands that he would understand the financials of building new stadiums. He even attempts to look at the issue, though not an honest effort, from all perspectives. He says that these facilities never pay for themselves, that there is an increase in overall community income, but not enough to offset cost. He states that though highly paid, a team employs very few workers. A new stadium offers more amenities that are more expensive, such as luxury skyboxes, thus bringing in more revenues than the old stadiums. The teams do see some of these profits but so do the cities. Noll writes that new stadiums force other entertainment out of town, this can be true, but it also brings in new business in the form of restaurants and pre and post-game entertainment. The profits from transportation can be much larger in the post stadium city. It is true that many cities are financing most if not all of the cost for new athletic complexes. The cost is, in the least, absorbable by the city. The urging of teams to force the pay for the cost of a stadium is a bluff, and should be called by the city. The Yankees will not leave New York and the millions of dollars in T.V., radio and merchandise licensing that a city of that stature can bring. The fact that cities are forced to pay for stadiums is a call for better negotiators for the city, not a reason not to build a stadium. Hall says that not even New York can keep the Yankees without subsidizing it. Currently it is true that the Yankees are subsidized by the city of New York, but as I previously stated, the Yankees would not give up the fringe benefits of the city that never sleeps. The Yankees tradition is very long and very great. In the current economics of professional sports the Yankees could not leave New York and still afford their current payroll. If the Yankees were forced to cut their player payroll then they would put their winning tradition at risk.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Hanson Industry HPL
Abstract Hansson Private Label (HPL) is a manufacturer of personal care products. The company was purchased by Mr Hanson in 1992. The investment represented significant risk for Hanson because a significant portion of his wealth was tied up is a single investment. Over the past sixteen years Hanson has grown the company at a conservative but persistent fashion. He is now faced with an investment opportunity that promises swift growth but also accompanies significant amount of risk. The sales of the private labels are dependent on few larger customers and customer retention is very important to a company like HPL. Recently HPLââ¬â¢s largest customer has approach the company for a large order. The company will need to invest in expanding its facilities in order to meet the order requirements. This is an excellent opportunity for HPL but the downside is that the customer would only commit to a three year contract and the company can bear significant losses if the customer refuses to buy the product after the contract expires. Therefore Hansson needs to accurately calculate the cash flows related to the investment and account for the risk inherent in the investment before he can make decision on the expansion project. Excel Sheet Projections for Expansion Project Investment Appraisal for Expansion Project 2009-2018 Free Cash Flows, NPV, IRR, MIRR Calculation of Cost of Capital Riskfree Rate, Market Risk Premium, EquityBeta, Cost of Equity, Cost of Debt, WACC Sensitivity Analysis of Key Projections Decrease of 10% Current Increase of 10% Capacity Utlilization, Selling Price, WACC, Production Cost Page 1 HPL. tx. txt Questions Covered 1. There are two main parts to any valuation analysis: Projection of cash-flows and discounting them by the appropriate discount rate. Your main objective is to analyze the appropriateness of both these parts. Are the cash-flow projections reasonable? Does the discount rate make sense? 2. Estimate appropriate incremental after-tax cash-flows. Make sure that you explain the appropriateness of your cash-flow projections. 3. What should the discount rate depend on? Discuss. 4. Finally, offer your conclusions including an analysis of strategic implications of the proposal. You are not expected to know as much as the insiders of the firm. They will certainly know more. But, do the best you can.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Reflexive Pronouns in Spanish
Reflexive pronouns are used in Spanish and English whenever the subject of a verb is also its object. In other words, reflexive pronouns are used when the subject of a sentence is acting on itself. An example is the me in me veo (and the corresponding myself in I see myself), where the person seeing and the person seen are the same. Verbs used with a reflexive pronoun are known either as reflexive verbs or pronominal verbs. This lesson covers the reflexive pronouns that are used with verbs. Spanish also has reflexive pronouns used with prepositions. The 5 Reflexive Pronouns Used With Verbs Verbal reflexive pronouns are used in much the same way as direct-object and indirect-object pronouns; they typically precede the verb or can be attached to the infinitive, imperative verb, or gerund. Here are the verbal reflexive pronouns along with their English equivalents: me ââ¬â myself ââ¬â Me lavo. (I am washing myself.) Voy a elegirme. (I am going to choose myself.)te ââ¬â yourself (informal) ââ¬â à ¿Te odias? (Do you hate yourself?) à ¿Puedes verte? (Can you see yourself?)se ââ¬â himself, herself, itself, themselves, yourself (formal), yourselves (formal), each other ââ¬â Roberto se adora. (Roberto adores himself.) La nià ±a prefiere vestirse. (The girl likes to dress herself.) La historia se repite. (History repeats itself.) Se compran los regalos. (They are buying themselves gifts, or they are buying each other gifts.) à ¿Se afeita Ud.? (Do you shave yourself?) El gato se ve. (The cat sees himself.)nos ââ¬â ourselves, each other ââ¬â Nos respetamos. (We respect ourselves, or we respect each other.) No podemos vernos. (We cant see each other, or we cant see ourselves.)os ââ¬â yourselves (informal, used primarily in Spain), each other ââ¬â Es evidente que os querà ©is. (Its obvious that you love each ot her, or its obvious you love yourselves.) Podà ©is ayudaros. (You can help yourselves, or you can help each other.) As you can see from the above examples, the plural pronouns in Spanish can be translated using the English reflexive pronouns or the phrase each other. (Technically, grammarians would call the latter usage of the Spanish pronoun reciprocal rather than reflexive.) Usually, context will make clear the more likely translation. Thus, while nos escribimos conceivably could mean we write to ourselves, it most often would mean we write to each other. If necessary, a phrase can be added for clarification, such as in se golpean el uno a otro (they are hitting each other) and se golpean a sà mismos (they are hitting themselves). Reflexive pronouns should not be confused with English constructions such as I myself am buying the gift. In that sentence (which could be translated to Spanish as yo mismo compro el regalo), myself isnt being used as a reflexive pronoun but as a way of adding emphasis. Sample Sentences Using Reflexive Pronouns à ¿Por quà © me enojo tanto? (Why do I get mad at myself so much?) Voy a cocinarme una tortilla de papas y queso. (Im going to cook a potato and cheese omelet for myself. This is an example of attaching the pronoun to an infinitive.) à ¿Cà ³mo te hiciste daà ±o? (How did you hurt yourself?) Los gatos se limpian instintivamente para quitarse el olor cuando han comido. (Cats clean themselves instinctively to get rid of the odor when they have eaten.) Nos consolamos los unos a los otros con nuestra presencia humana. (We comforted each other with our human presence.) Se videograbà ³ bailando y envià ³ el archivo a mi agente. (She videotaped herself dancing and sent the file to my agent.) Mà ©dico, cà ºrate a ti mismo. (Physician, heal thyself. The reflexive pronoun is attached to a verb in the imperative mood.) Estamos dà ¡ndonos por quien somos y lo que hacemos. (We are holding ourselves responsible for who we are and what we do. This is example of attending the reflexive pronoun to a gerund.) Hay dias que no hay dias que no me entiendo entiendo. (There are days I dont understand myself.) Nos consolamos con dulces. (We comforted ourselves with candy.) Los dos se buscaron toda la noche. (The two looked for each other all night.) Le gusta escucharse dà ¡ndome à ³rdenes. (He likes listening to himself giving me orders.) Key Takeaways Spanish have five pronouns for use when the subject of a verb is also its object.When a subject is plural, the reflexive pronoun can be translated using either a form such as ourselves or each other, depending on the context.Reflexive pronouns precede the verb or can be attached to an infinitive or gerund.
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