Friday, May 31, 2019
Henry Thoreau Essay -- essays research papers
Born in 1817, in Concord, Henry David Thoreau became one of the greatest writers among the American Renaissance. Thoreau based his whole philosophy on the fact that man needed to get rid of material things in order to be an individual. An exquisitely educated man, Thoreau went to Harvard, which placed heavy emphasis on the classics. Thoreau analyze a curriculum that included grammar and composition, mathematics, English, history, and various philosophies. He also spoke fluently in Italian, French, German, and Spanish. After his graduation in 1837, Thoreau became a teacher. He and his sidekick John, however, closed the school in 1841, for Thoreau knew writing was his passion. He kept a journal beginning in 1837, and most think he wrote way in front that time. Thoreaus love for writing pushed him to make it a driving force in his life.Thoreau was also a big part of the Transcendentalists Movement. The Transcendentalists assumed that the soul and nature were the two essential parts of the universe. "Transcendentalism started as a radical religious movement, opposed to the rationalist, conservative institution that Unitarianism had become." Unitarians had expressed the need for and reliance of a more personal and intuitive experience of the divine. "If a man does not keep pace with his companion, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer." individualisation was a big part of Thoreaus life he believed that independent, well-thought action arose nat...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Iagos Personality :: Literary Analysis, Shakespeare, Classics
Ideas about OthelloIn what way is this play about run?Considering that the protagonist is black, it brings in the idea of isolation. It is an important part of the play as he is isolated, placed on a pedestal so his fall is crimson more dramatic. In effect Shakespeare isolates the issue that racial prejudice is a timeless issue that will continue through time. Insecurity and vulnerability, allows Iago to attack him, makes relationship between Desdemona and Othello foundations shaky. Confirms Elizabethan stereotypes about race it was written for an audience that could accept racist stereotypes as truisms without acknowledging their own racism. A tragic flaw makes Iago jealous therefrom the downfall of Othello is imminent Is it a dramatic device?Shakespeare concerned with racism? Imagery dichotomy conflict white/black a discussion of existence confirming the Elizabethan stereotypesPower Iago his disposition to know all the other characters flaws, undermines peoples in position of authority his ability as a puppeteer Cassio young and free educated superficial powerOthello military power and authority meritocracy where status is gained on merit undermined by the idea that the duke orders him what to do superficial power bound to their positions undermining the power all the time highlight how superficial his power is, it is undermined by Iago all the timeDesdemona women are dutiful, are repressed by their position as possessions of their mastersIn what way is this a play about the relationships between men and women?Shakespeare recognises the role of women through their relationships. Othello and Desdemonas relationship conveys the ideas of love, lust, based on well-knit foundations or not.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Drugs in the Prison System Essay -- Drug Trafficking Jail Prison Essay
Drugs in the Prison SystemThis research paper will consist of an analysis of the use and wickedness of illicit drugs within the prison systems on a global basis. With information gathered from various arisings such as the internet and iodine on one interviews with an inmate in a priapic correctional facility and a former inmate of a female correctional facility I set to show the rampant flow of drugs in and out of the prison system, the control of (or lack there of) by prison officials, the drug gangs and dealers in correctional facilities, the value of addiction, and treatments available to inmates suffering from addiction.The introduction of drugs into the prison system has been an go away for corrections staff for many years. Prison officials suspect inmate visitors are the main source of how drugs coming into prisons. Although inmates and visitors are subjected to a meticulous search prior to contact with one another, the introduction of drugs is happening on a regular bas is. Drugs can start out a major source of income, not only for the inmate, but also for the individual or individuals who take the drugs into a correctional facility. Another avenue for inmates is victimization a correctional officer. Most of the drugs that are available within a prison arrive by courier through a corrections officer. dissimilar an inmate visitor, a corrections officer is not subjected to a meticulous search of their person and property. Stephen Shaw of the Prison Reform Trust was quoted as saying, Prison officers were verbalise to turn a blind eye to its use and even to deal it in themselves, to make their job easier.1Several states within the United States forget for inmates to have possession of personal clothing. An inmate receiving personal clothing from home may also receive drugs that have been hidden within the clothing by a family member or friend. In addition, drugs have beenknown to be sent via the mail to an inmate concealed in packages of all natur es. In the past, the statistical distribution of heroin to an inmate was easily concealed on a postage stamp or on the glue part of an envelope. The use of drugs are an issue many people around the world must deal with while incarcerated or in the free world.Throughout the history of prison reformatories inmates have constructed a mailing system within the prison to communicate wi... ...liams (in person) First hand account of drug trafficking, use, abuse, effects, and treatment in a Washington State male correctional facility.Prison Information Handbook (http// General information about prisons in New Zealand.Schaffer Library of Drug Policy (http//www.drug subroutine A Criminal justness System Strategy for Treating Cocaine-Heroin Abusing Offenders in Custody.Substance Use In Prisoners The Norm Rather Than The Exception (http// ) An article detailing drug use in UK prisons.The meat of the Needle (http// An article about an inmate detailing drugs use and authoritys attitude in Scotland.The Prevention of Infectious Diseases in Prison (http// The effects of drugs and the spread of Aids and other diseases in prisons as a direct effect of drug abuse.Zero Tolerance for drugs in Prison (http// clobber/010599.html) Presidents Clintons No tolerance drugs policy for the American Prison system.
Capital Punishment Essay - Itââ¬â¢s Time to Turn the Other Cheek :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
Capital Punishment Its Time to Turn the Other Cheek         If... he has committed murder, he must die. In this case, at that place is nosubstitute that will satisfy the legal requirements of legal justice.There is nosameness of kind between wipeout and remaining alive even chthonian the most miserableconditions, and consequently there is no equality between crime and theretribution unless the criminal is judicially condemned and put to death.Immanuel Kant.         About 2000  men, women, and teenagers currently keep on Americas DeathRow. Their time grows shorter as federal and state courts increasingly ratifydeath penalty laws, allowing executions to proceed at an accelerated rate. Itsunlikely that whatsoever of these executions will make the front page, having becomemore and more a matter of routine in the last decade. Indeed, recent publicopinion canvas show a wide margin of rear for the death penalty. Bu t humanrights advocates continue to decry the immorality of state-sanctioned killing inthe U.S., the only western industrialized country that continues to use thedeath penalty. Is with child(p) punishment moral?         Capital punishment is often defended on the grounds by the government,that society has a moral obligation to protect the safety and the welfare of itscitizens. Murderers threaten this safety and welfare. Only by putting murderersto death can society ensure that convicted killers do not kill again.         Second, those favoring capital punishment contend that society shouldsupport those practices that will bring about the greatest balance of good overevil, and capital punishment is one such practice. Capital punishment benefitssociety because it may deter violent crime.  While it is difficult to producedirect evidence to support this claim since, by definition, those who aredeterred by the death pe nalty do not commit murders, common sense tells us thatthey will die if they discharge a certain act, they will be unwilling to performthat act. If the threat of death stays in the hand of a would-be murder, and weabolish the death penalty, we will sacrifice the lives of many innocent victimswhose murders could have been deterred. But if, in fact, the death penalty doesnot deter, and we continue to impose it, we have only sacrificed the lives ofconvicted murderers. surely it is better for society to take a take a chance that thedeath penalty deters in order to protect the lives of innocent people than totake a gamble that it doesnt deter and thereby protect the lives of murderers,while risking the lives of the innocents.         Finally, defenders of capital punishment argue that justice demands that
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Censorship In Fahrenheit 451 Essay -- Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451
Censorship in Fahrenheit(postnominal) 451In Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451, the people live in a society skillful of censorship. Montag, the main character of the story, is inspired by a young girl to question law around him and begins to have doubts about what good they serve. In Fahrenheit 451, censorship in the world consists of book burning, manipulative parlor families, and the intolerance of those who attempt to be an individual.Book burning in the story is done by firemen to supposedly prevent society from unhappy emotions and unjust thoughts. Any person who was perceived or proved to possess any sort of reading sensible was reported to firemen using alarms, which were sent to the fire station. On duty firemen then immediately went to the home of the lawbreaker and burnt the books discovered. Books would be covered in coal oil and torched with a flame-thrower. Houses were made fireproof in order for the firemen to burn the books inside the house without causing too much destr uction. Immediately after the books are burned, the wrongdoer is arrested and taken to prison. Although book burning was the most abrupt and outlandish form of censorship, people experienced mind censorship in their homes every day. Parlor walls were walls in a room used for watching television and specially designed interactive programs, designed to provide people with pleasure. Shows writ...
Censorship In Fahrenheit 451 Essay -- Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451
Censorship in Fahrenheit 451In Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451, the people exist in a society full of censorship. Montag, the main character of the story, is inspired by a young girl to question law around him and begins to return doubts about what good they serve. In Fahrenheit 451, censorship in the world consists of book importunate, manipulative parlor families, and the intolerance of those who attempt to be an individual.Book burning in the story is done by firemen to supposedly prevent society from unhappy emotions and unjust thoughts. Any person who was perceived or proved to have got any sort of reading material was reported to firemen using alarms, which were sent to the fire station. On duty firemen then immediately went to the home of the lawbreaker and burned-out the books discovered. Books would be covered in kerosene and torched with a flame-thrower. Houses were made fireproof in order for the firemen to burn the books inside the house without causing too lots destr uction. Immediately after the books are burned, the offender is arrested and taken to prison. Although book burning was the most abrupt and outlandish form of censorship, people experienced mind censorship in their homes every day. Parlor walls were walls in a room used for watching television and specially designed interactive programs, designed to provide people with pleasure. Shows writ...
Monday, May 27, 2019
British Telecommunications and the Drivers of Globalization
ball-shapedization is a phenomenon most often discussed among economists. Most of us fork up often heard that channel is no longer restrained by political or cultural boundaries. Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) spread out with little regards of geographical or cultural distance among their target securities industrys. every(prenominal) decisions within a company argon made with the additional consideration of how the internationalistic world pull up stakes affect the results of that decision, a factor that most businesses ignored in some earlier decades.As indicated above, discussions about globalization ar mostly about its effects toward the business environment, rather than its ca intakes. Companies are more interested toward how a phenomenon go forth affect their financial conditions rather than where or what the phenomenon is actually coming form. Within this paper however, I will discuss several drivers of globalization. The drivers will be taken from various perspec tives about globalization. To provide more connection to the international business environment, we will use the British telecommunication, one of the most successful MNEs in the global communication industry, as a reference to help define and justify the drivers of globalization.Furthermore, this paper will discuss the view of whether MNEs are actually competing globally or only component partally. There are arguments among scholars that the global economy do not actually existed. Globalization has taken us by means of national boundaries but it stopped in regional limits. In other terms, MNEs are not actually operating with global factors within their considerations, but rather regional factors. This view will be examined as we discuss the development of British telecommunication.I. Literature ReviewII.1Corporations as Principle DriversAccording to Ron Blackwell (2002), corporations are the principle drivers of globalization. In the process of increasing their trade share, corp orations found that they need to expand further that their national boundaries allowed. While rapidly internationalizing their operations, most corporations fundamentally adapted their structure and strategies, boosting the change of their national economy into a more globalize economy.This phenomena might not be observable in the US or europiuman soil, because the process of corporations breaking through national boundaries have occurred several decades ago. However, the phenomenons are still happening today within the Asian and other developing economies. economist have long predicted that Asia will be the center of massive economic growth in the near future, and the prophecy is fulfilled as China and India are increasingly integrated to the global economy.II.2Political, Technological and Social ConditionsIII.2.1 Market Oriented-PoliciesBeside the principle factor mentioned above, many arguments brought forward other causes of globalization. genius of the popular ones is the in fluence of market- orient policies. In China for example, the change of governmental policies regarding foreign investment and trade was the greatest factor that supported growth of the economy. Several decades ago, China was a country considered to have a closed economy. Today, the country is the largest recipient of the worlds Foreign Direct Investment and recognized as the most potential market in Asia (Diaz, 2001).III.2.2 Communication and Transportation TechnologyTechnological changes have also contributed to the process of turning the world into a single global economy. The internet spawned the e-commerce, which displayed a tremendous maturation in its role in business and trade. As people in modern countries crave the ease of trade provided by the internet, the growth of e-commerce is predicted to last indefinitely. Furthermore, move transportation equipment also has a significant role in accelerating the globalization process.II.2.3 Global PhenomenaSocial conditions that s upported globalization process consist of several important phenomena. One of those phenomena is the end of the cold war. The reduction of conflicts causes competitive environment for business development and population growth. It was recorded that the number of people on the planet is more than forked since the 1960s (Kohl, 2000). Both the reduction of conflicts and the increasing population created more economic, social and environmental linkages, which in the end, spawned globalization. Further analysis and identification of the drivers of globalization will be performed using the British telecom plc.II. British TelecommunicationsIII.1 Corporate BackgroundBritish Telecommunication Plc is responsible for approximately 25 million telephone lines in the United Kingdom. The company is an international corporation which own and runs most of the telephone exchanges, trunk network and local loop connections for the vast majority of British fixed line telephones. The company, British T elecom is formed in 1981 and has developed itself into five large business divisions today, they are BT Retail, BT Wholesale, Openreach, BT Global Services, BT Exact/One IT. The divisions provide communication services ranging from retailing telecoms to consumers to investigate & development and consultancy.There are several reasons why the observation on British Telecom is connected to the study of globalization and considered interesting by many. First, the UK telecommunication market was among the beginning(a) telecommunication market that was deregulated in the early 1980s. Several of the most influential regulatory innovations, like the price cap regulation was also developed and first implemented in UK telecommunications. Second, the British telecom was the first communication company in the world that was privatized in the early 1980s. Third, because the UK telecommunication market was the first to be exposed to public interference, communication within the industry is ten years ahead of other European countries.III.2 Corporate InternationalizationIII.2.1 grapheme of Government PolicyAccording to the theories mentioned in the second chapter, there are several drivers of globalization with different emphasize on their significance. Generally, economists acknowledge that companies are the strongest driver of globalization and its processes. Despite the fact that this pedagogy might be true for most MNEs, regarding the British Telecom, I found that governmental policies are the most influential factor comparatively.Before its privatization in 1984, the British Telecom was granted the right for a monopoly over the fixed line network operations. This boosted the development of the company long enough to provide itself with strong infrastructure to flavour competitions. Having a major early start at the game, since its privatization, the company has been known as one of the strongest companies in UK. Government monopoly policies which then followed by t he market oriented policies helped brought the company to its current position as a market leader in communication (Summanen, 2002).II.2.2 The Role of Corporate ExpansionThe second largest factor, which I believe was the feat within the corporation itself, came in some time after the company was privatized. In 1993, the company announced a joint global alliance through a new joint venture company. This new company is considered as the bridge which leads British Telecom into leading the global telecommunications operator. In order to expand the business by obtaining multinational clients, BT formed and acquired stakes of several joint venture companies overseas. Some of them were Albacom in Italy, Viag Interkom in Germany, Telenordia in Sweden, Dacom in Korea, etc. All of this was performed after there is a leadership change from Sir George Jefferson to Sir Iain Vallance as chairman of the group. This displayed the tremendous role of managerial decisions in the process of BTs intern ationalization (Summanen, 2002).II.2.3 Role of Technology and Social FactorsThe changing culture and the increasingly rapid growth of the economy boosted telecommunication business. The 2001residential fixed telephone volumes were recorded to double as frequently as it was in 1996. Within the same period, local call volumes decreased and national and international call volumes increased. Furthermore, the role of technology in the development of British Telecom can be observed through the statistics also. From 1997 to 2001, calls to mobiles have been recorder to increase tremendously. This increase continues until today (Summanen, 2002).II.2.4 Competing GloballyIn terms of strategic market share, the British Telecom displayed a global approach throughout its lines of business. BTs overseas activity targets were set to various markets in the world, divided into three segments the North America market, the Mainland Europe market and the Asia-Pacific region. In North America, the compa ny partnered with MCI to support growth. The largest focus is still in its home market and the mainland Europe using its core brands and the market Asia-Pacific region is still being developed (Sumanen, 2002).BibliographyBlackwell, Ron. 2005. Hearing before the US-China Economi ad Security Review Commission Regarding Corporate Globalization Strategies China and the Future of Globalization.Diaz-Bonilla, E and S Robinson eds. 2001. Shaping Globalization for Poverty Alleviation and Food Security. 2020 Vision Focus * Washington, D.CKohl, R and K, Orourke. 2000. Whats new About Globalization Implications for Income Inequality in Developing Countries Paper for Organizations for Economic Cooperation and Development Conference on Poverty and Income Inequality in Developing Countries Paris.Summanen, Tuamo. 2002. British Telecom Searching for a sweet Strategy. Available at
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Nursing Case Studies on COPD
In this reflective piece of writing I will be explaining how chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) affects the tolerant physically, psychologically ,and socially ,I will in any case explain how the disease affects his effortless routine and how it impacts on his family life. I will give an overview of the clinical signs and symptoms, how the disease alters the pathphysiology of the lungs, and what these changes take a shit within the body. I will be using the reflective model What, So What, Now What (2007). The longanimous I score chosen to write about is a 70 year old male who has been married for nearly fifty years.He has two grown up sons, both married with children of their own. Mr timber has Chronic preventative Pulmonary Disease diagnosed ten years ago. Prior to this disease Mr timberland was a lifelong smoker, beginning at the age of fourteen years, smoking up to thirty cigarettes per day. Mr Woods retainer has progressively worsened over the past few years, and he now requires home oxygen therapy. A patient was brought into the essential department by the paramedics complaining of difficulty in breathing. On arrival he was tachypnoeic, had a respiratory rate thirty two and was found to score an audible wheeze.He stated that he had a productive cough and was expectorating green coloured sputum. The patient felt w outgrowth to touch. He looked pale, was sat good, slenderly leaning forward in a rigid posture on the ambulance stretcher. I was delegated the role of undertaking Mr Woods initial assessment, which included ensuring the patient was undressed ready for examination by a doctor, and also carrying out a baseline order of observations. I was happy to undertake this task, because I had the requisite training, skills and was deemed competent to carry out the necessary do by call for to look after Mr Woods.The nurse in charge informed me of Mr Woods medical taradiddle prior to me entering the cubicle, including what had preci pitated his attendance to the emergency department which on that particular day had been his worsening shortness of breath. On entering the cubicle, I helped Mr Woods drum undressed and into a hospital gown because any slight exertion made him more short of breath. I carried out a baseline set of observations. His blood pressure was 165/95, he had a pulse rate of 125 beats per minute, a temperature of 38. c, a respiratory rate of 32, on 2 litres of oxygen his saturation level was 88%, and his blood glucose level was 4. 4mmol/l. Although some of these observations are not within normal range, for a person with COPD some of these observations perhaps acceptable because the disease affects the path physiology of the lungs. The airways leading to the lungs, the bronchi, become inflamed. The inflamed airways produce too much mucus (sputum) which can lead to a persistent cough, wheeze and increasing shortness of breath.This happens because the air sacs (alveoli) become overstretched, ru pture and merge which causes them to lose their elasticity. This causes the oxygen absorbing surfaces to be reduced, and with the narrowing of the airways gas exchange is less expeditious (Parker, 2009). The lungs over inflate which reduces the air volume moving in and out of the lungs which can lead to tachypnoea ( kinkyly rapid rate of breathing), breathlessness on exertion, respiratory distress, abnormal posture I. e. leaning forward to help open the airways (Nursing Standard, 2001).Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease can yield a tendency to have little oxygen saturation levels, usually around 88% on air. In healthy patients their levels are usually between 95%- 100%. COPD patients often need supportive treatment of 2 litres of oxygen to maintain oxygen saturations normally acceptable for that specific patient. However oxygen therapy higher than 2 litres may cause their carbon dioxide (CO2) levels to rise (Abrahams, 2009). As Mr Woods COPD had progressively wo rsened he had been commenced on home oxygen which he uses throughout to the highest degree of the day.This helps him to undertake the most simplistic of daily activities of living. Mr Woods lives at home with his wife who, due to the impact of this disease on Mr Woods, has now become his main carer. She helps her husband with his daily activities such as washing, showering and preparing his meals. He needs help mobilising to the downstairs shower room, and, once there, needs assistance to get undressed. Whilst in the shower room Mr Woods needs to sit on a shower stool because he cannot manage to stand for any length of snip due to breathlessness.He is also unable to walk upstairs because he gets short of breath on exertion so he has had a stair lift installed which enables him to go upstairs to bed. This enables Mr and Mrs Woods to fulfil both the physical and psychological aspects of their relationship. COPD can affect the psychological wellbeing of the sufferer. Before Mr Wood s condition deteriorated he was able to go out, he used to enjoy going fishing with his sons and playing with his grandchildren. Because of his condition, Mr Woods is prone to feelings of inadequacy and depression.He also feels guilty because of his growing dependency on his wife for the simplest of daily tasks such as making a cup of tea or answering the door. Because of the growing demands of her husbands worsening condition Mrs Woods now has to depend on early(a) family members to facilitate her with tasks that Mr Woods can no longer undertake due to his COPD, and frequent visits to the hospital with repeated chest infections. Whilst Mr Woods was in the emergency department it was my responsibility to stupefy sure Mr Woods was comfortable and that his observations were done regularly and documented.I was happy to do this as I am deemed competent and have the required training to carry out these duties. I made sure Mr Woods was sitting upright as this would help him with his bre athing by improving his lung capacity and making sure oxygen was positive by the doctor and administered via nasal cannulae as per deposit policy. I noticed Mr Woods remained tachyponeic, so repeated his observations. Even though on 2 litres of oxygen his saturation levels still remained low so I informed the nurse in charge that Mr Woods observations remained unstable.A doctor was notified and the patient assessed which involved listening to his chest. The doctor consequently prescribed nebulisers, oral steroids and paracetamol. A chest x-ray was also requested. I had to ask a pendant member of staff to administer Mr Woods medication, because I am not qualified to dispense drugs to a patient as a learner help practitioner as this does not fall within my scope of practice or within the boundaries of my role. I think the fact I know my limitations and boundaries make me a safe practitioner.I made sure I had documented Mr Woods observations and that I had informed the nurse in c harge of his condition making sure that I had dated, timed and signed what I had written. I got my documentation countersigned by a qualified member of staff as stated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2008). The doctor asked me to cannulate and take some blood from Mr Woods. I was comfortable with this request because I am qualified to undertake the task. I explained to Mr Woods that I needed to put a needle in his arm and take some blood and that I would be leaving the cannula in his arm for any medication his may require later.I put the equipment unitedly that I needed to cannulate, making sure that it was on a clean trolley and that I had a sharps bin. I then washed my hands, put on my apron and gloves following universal precautions. I then proceeded to cannulate Mr Woods explaining everything I was doing throughout the procedure. Once the cannula was in I disposed of my sharp in the sharps bin and put my dirty equipment in the clinical waste and then washed my hands. Mr Woods was then taken for his x-ray. Once labelled I then gave the blood to the doctor to send of to the path lab.I then filled in the cannulation documentation form as per hospital trust policy. I was pleased that I managed to get the cannula in on my first attempt because Mr Woods had terrible veins and I did not like the thought of having to put him through the procedure again as it can be quite painful and distressing. Mr Woods x-ray showed he had a chest infection for which he was prescribed intravenous antibiotics. Mr Woods was then transferred to the Medical Assessment Unit for further treatment by the medical doctors. Reflecting back I believe I have developed my knowledge about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Reading articles, text books and trust policies on COPD has allowed my to enhance my ability to recognise when patients are clinically unwell and have the confidence to highlight these abnormalities to the relevant members of the multidisciplinary team I. e. t he nurse in charge and doctor, so the patient can be managed promptly and appropriately. likewise the information I gained from talking to Mr Woods was invaluable in allowing me to gain insight and therefore a greater understanding of how the disease affected not only the patient but also his family on a day to day basis.Witnessing first hand the debilitating affects the disease process has on an somebody such as Mr Woods and his family left me feeling a little sad due to the fact that my role as a student assistant practitioner limited my involvement in his treatment. Having been the first member of staff to attend to Mr Woods on his arrival to the department and to have spent time developing a therapeutic relationship with him I felt that involving another member of staff to carry out an aspect of care may make him question my abilities to look after him as I could not administer his medication.I could address this issue by explaining to the patient that my role as student assist ant practitioner does not allow me to give medication but explain that I am competent in carrying out all other aspects of care. Developing my existing knowledge on the psychological and physiological affects of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease has been consolidated by caring for a patient that has attended the emergency department with this chronic long term condition.Extending my knowledge base on this condition and the long term effects it can have on the individual will ensure that I treat each patient on their needs rather than just on their condition. Also looking back on this assessment I believe I acted professionally, promptly and efficiently. I feel I carried out my duties to a high standard of care within the boundaries of my role as a student assistant practitioner which in turn enabled Mr Woods to receive the treatment and medication he required to ensure the best possible outcome.Looking after Mr Woods has shown that I can work effectively as a member of the mult idisciplinary team. I am able to assess, implement and evaluate my care which has enabled other members of staff to witness my holistic and high level of care delivery within the emergency department. I believe this can benefit not only the patients attending the department but also help develop my role within the team.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Unit 1, Business Administration Level2
Unit wiz Principles of soulal responsibilities and ploughing in a vexation organization environs Section 1 K without delay the employment rights and responsibilities of the employee and employer 1. Identify four main points that would be include in a contract of employment. If possible, work an example contract to support your conclude (feel free to obscure any confidential instruction). Employers name Employees name Date of commencement of employment Main signal of work showcase Employers name AbC Ltd. Employees name Date of commencement of employment 15 Jan 2013 Main place of work Unit 12, 3 languish Way, New York, AB1 2CD, UK a) List trio key points of legislation that affect employers in a business concern environs. Health and asylum Employments rights and responsibilities Data shelterion 2b) List three key points of legislation that affect employees in a business environment. Health and safety Pay & Pensions Employments rights and responsibilities 3 . Identify a range of places where a someone foundation find information on employment rights and responsibilities. You should identify at least dickens internal and two external sources of information. Internal (within brass section) Line manager sure colleagues Trade union representativesExternal (outside of the organisation) Citizens Advice Bureaux Government ACAS 4. draw off how representative bodies layabout support employees. The representative bodies bottom help and support employees in work place. The best examples be Trade Unions, large organisations that represent the interest of their members. They can offer assistance through work based representatives. Their members may shargon an occupation or a common industry. Trade Unions will also feel regional and national expertise that they can use. One of the place, where employee can get help and advice when is not a member of Trade Union, is Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB).It can advise employee on his rights at workand in other settings. CAB advisers can oftenhelp relieve letters to present employees complaint or charter to an employer, service countenancer or business. Some quantify, the CAB will provide representation if person makes a claim at the employment tribunal. 5. Briefly describe employer and employee responsibilities for equality and innovation in a business environment. You should give at least two employer responsibilities and two employee responsibilities. If possible, provide relevant equality and diversity procedures from your workplace (or place of study) to support your answer. These documents hould be annotated to highlight the relevant sections. Equality can be described as geological fault d accept barriers, eliminating discrimination and ensuring equal opportunity and access for wholly(a) groups both in employment and to goods and services. In all organisations, its weighty that all employees argon treated in an equally fair way and atomic number 18 given equal opportunities. Diversity can be described as celebrating differences and valuing everyone. Each person is an individual with visible and non-visible differences and by respecting this, everyone can feel valued for their contributions, which is beneficial not only for individual but for company too.Examples Employer responsibilities Should provide training to augment awargonness of equality and diversity so that employees at all levels can perform effectively and develop their full authority within their occupancys It has responsibility to protect employees in the work place, to remove all barriers to individual development and to maintain and promote an environment that appreciates diversity and is free from discrimination, harassment and bullying. Employee responsibilities Focus on literal stack rather than the label which may be put on them Be aware of the judgements make. 6. Briefly explain the benefits of making sure equality and diversity procedures are followed in a business environment. Your answer should include one benefit for the employer, one benefit for the employee and one benefit for the overall organisation. In all organisations, there are social and economic benefits of equal treatment. Examples Benefit for employer Employer can reduce the risk that will be held legally responsible for he demeanour of the concourse who work with him, if training them in equality and diversity procedures. Benefit for employee Any person doing the same work as someone else has the right to be rewarded in the same way as they are. Benefit for overall organisation It brings to an organisation a wide range of experience, ideas and creativity and if managed well it can crack that each individual utilises their scientific disciplines effectively and feels valued for their individual qualities. Section 2 check the purpose of wellness, safety and security procedures in a business environment . Identify employer and employee responsibilities for h ealth, safety and security. If possible, provide relevant health, safety and security policies / documents from your workplace (or place of study) to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections. Health, safety and security procedures clarify who is responsible for what. This ensures that an organisation has a structure to ensure a secure, safe and healthy business environment for everyone.The Health and Safety at Work etc play 1974 is the primary piece of legislation covering work-related health and safety in the United Kingdom. It states that everyone has responsibility for health and safety in the workplace. The 1998 Data Protection Act, that is another(prenominal) law, which purpose is to protect lot from having information about themselves abused. In other words, in spite of its name it is intended to protect individuals rather than data. It does this by enforce restrictions on what those holding private information may do wit h it and to whom they may pass it.One more very important legislation in a business environment is Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. This act ensures that things such as literacy, photographs, artists creations, dramatic and musical works cannot be copied. The law is also carried out when it comes to computers as it is illegal to double software or run pirated software. Everything here mentioned, however, can be claimed as someone else when the original ingester has been dead for a certain amount of years.It is commonly afterwards 70 years it can be claimed but in some cases where they dont know who the creator is it can be claimed 50 years after it was first made public. Examples Employers responsibilities Employers possess duties under health and safety law to assess risks in the workplace. Risk assessments should be carried out that address all risks that top executive cause harm in workplace. Employers must give information about the risks in workplace and how emp loyees are protected, also instruct and train on how to circularize with the risks. Employers must consult employees on health and safety issues. Employers defecate a legal duty under theHealth and Safety Information for Employees Regulations (HSIER)to display the ratified poster in a prominent position in each workplace or to provide each worker with a copy of the canonical leafletHealth and safety law What you need to knowthat outlines British health and safety law. Employees responsibilities Follow the training has received when using any work items your employer has given. Take reason competent care of own and other peoples health and safety. Co-operate with employer on health and safety. Tell someone (employer, supervisor, or health and safety representative) if think the work or inadequate precautions are putting anyones health and safety at risk. 2. Explain the purpose of pursuit health, safety and security procedures in a business environment. All people at work nee d to take reasonable care to avoid harm to themselves or to others by their working practices, and to co-operate with employers and others in meeting statutory requirements.The principal objective in Health and Safety Act is to pr scourt harm from occurring to employees while they are at work. It is an employers duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees and other people who might be affected by their business. The employer has legal responsibilities to staff and any dishonour of these could result at legal action against employer as an individual, resulting in heavy fines. All companies have procedures for staff to follow. in that respect are some important reasons for following those procedures.Failure of any of them can bring consequences Legal reasons reprimands, fines, closures and even prison sentences Organisational rules can be subject to disciplinary procedures Morale reasons employers and employees have a moral covenant to follow health and safety procedures to ensure no one comes to any harm Economic reasons e fines for breaking the law, compensation payments to customers or staff, loss of customers who are aware that health and safety procedures are not being followed, increased costs and, potentially, even the whole organisation being shut down . cover three different slipway of maintaining a safe and secure business environment. Personal conduct One of the most significant influences on risks in the workplace is the behaviour of staff. How people conduct themselves can have a significant impact on their own health and safety and that of others. For example not vesture c crewhes / jewellery that may be dangerous, not tired when at work etc. Awareness and observation Noticing any potential hazard, noticing what is happening in work environment Prompt reporting promptly reporting to the appropriate person when someone is wrong or may have a potential for causing harm but the individual cannot correct it. Sectio n 3 Understand how to communicate effectively with others 1.Complete the table below with descriptions of different regularitys of communion. You should include two verbal, two non-verbal and two written methods of communication. Methods of communication Description Verbal communication 1.One-to-one discussion allows communicators to exchange ideas back and forth freely information flowing swimmingly and clearly between speaker and the audience 2. Presentations Using effective verbal communication, business professionals give presentations and lectures to convey their expertise on a particular topic.Whether a business professional provides instruction, describes a product to make a sale or communicates a vision or strategy, he needs to keep the center clear by preparing adequately. Non-verbal communication 1.Voice ton quality of persons voice, characteristic personal manner or manner of expressing yourself orally, that shows what the speaker is feeling 2. Eye tactual sensation is strongly influenced by social behaviour, is most often defined as a sign of confidence can indicate how interested a person is in the communication fetching place.It could also suggest trust and truthfulness. Written communication 1. E-mail electronic messaging, virtual communication tool, have taken the place of actual pen and paper memos or written letters due to ease and speed of sending and receiving emails. 2.Business letter is aletterwritten in formal language, usually used when writing from one business organization to another, or for correspondence between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. The overall style of letter will depend on the relationship between the parties concerned. 2. Using two specific examples, explain how to choose the most appropriate method of communication to meet your needs and the needs of others. Ma nagers meeting regarding targets for next year Business manager have to communicate plan to win for next year with all managers. It should be done in out of the public place its kind of the instance-to-face meeting in small group. Speaker can use presentations, may discus some issues concerning business with staff. Clearly written, comprehensive and organized notations can be very powerful. They can make the difference between those who attended the meeting going away and doing nothing, or actually doing whats needed in order to move a project forwards. Confirm additional order when need to add some more items to existing order, need to quick communicate it with service company.The best and the quickest way is to send fax. Its good method of communication for all external contacts, or other offices some distance way. In addition, we are in possession of copies of the order confirmation in writing. 3. Describe at least two ways of actively listening. The way to become better lis tener is to practice active listening. This is where the person makes a conscious effort to consider not only the words that another person is saying but, more importantly, try to understand the complete message being sent. There are some key elements of active listening. They all help to ensure that you hear the other person, and that the other person knows you are hearing what they say.Examples Pay oversight Give the speaker your undivided attention, and acknowledge the message. Recognize that non-verbal communication also speaks loudly. * Look at the speaker directly. * Put aside distracting thoughts. * Dont mentally prepare a rebuttal * Avoid being distracted by environmental factors. For example, side conversations. * Listen to the speakers body language. Respond Appropriately Active listening is a nonplus for respect and understanding. You are gaining information and perspective. You add nothing by attacking the speaker or otherwise putting him or her down. * Be candid, o pen, and honest in your response. Assert your opinions respectfully. * Treat the other person in a way that you think he or she would want to be treated. Section 4 Understand how to work with and support colleagues 1. Explain the purpose of agreeing standards for your own work. Give at least two reasons. Organisation provides a foundation of work standards to ensure everyone knows what is need from them and from people around them. As an employee, we should always make sure that we know exactly the work standards required of you. If an employee doesnt have a standard of work or unclear then it is difficult for them to know what or how or when they should be doing it.The absence of standards makes it impossible for an employee to effectively monitor their own performance. If work standards dont exist, then things are open to personal interpretation and this can lead to conflicting viewpoints. If some colleagues work to lower standards, it can affect the work of others. Examples Wa stage standards An engineering business producing widgets may set a maximum of 0. 25% scrap a chef in a restaurant aims to keep the cost of unused ingredients down to ? 30 per day. behavioural standards Members of the armed forces will have very precise standards on appearance and dress a receptionist should smile 100% of the time when greeting customers. 2.Explain the purpose of taking on new challenges and being able to adapt to change at work. It is important to take on new challenges and adapt to changes, because nothing ever sash the same, things are always changing which means unless you can adapt and change too, you will be stuck doing the same things which could then make your life a lot harder than it needs to be. Changes could be due to an advance in technology, new environment or anything that will have an impact on you and your day to day life. Those people who welcome change are likely to get more opportunities for variation in their work. If a person wishes to lear n then they will need to face up to new information and new situations.If a person will not change and adapt then there is little scope for learning. Employees who defy or deny changes will find themselves at odds with colleagues and managers. Their skills and attitudes may become redundant. This may result in them no long-run fitting in with the business. 3. Explain the purpose of treating others with honesty and consideration. Having integrity and being honest are fundamental requirements if you want to grow spiritually and follow your lawful destination of personal development. Its not simply about being honest with people. Whilst that will make you a better person and a more accepted one its more importantly about being honest with yourself.If were honest in all that we do and say, it means we are genuine, real and true whereas dishonesty symbolises all that is fake, fictitious and unreal. Living your life honestly and with integrity means that youve decided to live openly an d to show your true self to others and that you can be relied upon to be genuine. One of the key elements in any relationship, be it a personal or professional one, is the ability to trust and be trusted. Without trust, we have no credibility which is at the core of being able to influence people and provide strong leadership. Without honesty, there is no foundation upon which to build a personal relationship with someone you love.Section 5 Know how to plan own work and be accountable to others 1. Explain the purpose of meeting work standards and deadlines when terminate t anticipates in a business environment. Setting clear standards of work and deadlines enables people to complete work effectively. If there are no standards or they are unsung this can lead to confusion and problems. It is important that you produce your work to the best possible standard in order to meet the requirements of the person who set you the task. This shows that you are responsible and trustworthy and that you can be relied upon to get things done. You do not know who else might be waiting for your work it could have to be passed on to someone else.This could cause problems in a business environment and affect yourteamrelationship. Your line manager will expect you to meet all your deadlines, this could have a detrimental effect on your progress is you regularly fail at this. 2. Describe two different methods that you can use to plan your own work in a business environment. Prioritization Prioritization is the essential skill you need to make the very best use of your own efforts and those of your team. Its also a skill that you need to create calmness and space in your life so that you can focus your energy and attention on the things that really matter. It is particularly important when time is limited and demands are seemingly unlimited.It helps you to allocate your time where it is most-needed and most wisely spent, freeing you and your team up from less important tasks th at can be attended to later or quietly dropped. With good prioritization (and careful management of reprioritized tasks) you can bring order to chaos, massively reduce stress, and move towards a booming conclusion. Without it, youll flounder around, drowning in competing demands. Goal setting is a powerful unconscious process for thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn your vision of this future into reality. The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. Youll also quickly spot the istractions that can, so easily, lead you astray. A useful way of making goals more powerful is to use the SMART mnemonic. While there are plenty of variants (some of which weve included in parenthesis), SMART usually stands for S Specific (or Significant). M Measurable (or Meaningful). A Attainable (or Action-Oriented). R Relevant (or Rewa rding). T Time-bound (or Track able). 3. Describe ways of keeping other people informed about progress and compare their effectiveness. What are the benefits and drawbacks of each approach? Very few people work but on their own. Even fewer are responsible to no one but themselves for the work they do.Most of us have to make sure that other people know what we are doing and, in many cases, approve it. If you dont keep them informed youre going to make both your life and theirs that silicon chip harder. Its quite easy to let people know about the end of your actions. You send a memo to each member of staff revealing him or her of the time of the staff appraisal interview. You hand the boss a file containing all the relevant travel documents. You tick the completed box on your list of reflects to do and thats that. What is equally important is keeping people informed on an ongoing basis as a particular project progress, particularly if it is long and complicated.The reasons of th at You might not be completely clear about what you are supposed to do and dont want to go any further because you might be taking the wrong route Something unexpected turns up that might alter what you have to do You might desperately require some advice The person for whom you are doing the job needs a regular progress report for his or her own boss The job is so big that a number of people have to be kept informed on a regular basis of what everyone else is doing so that they feel confident that they can continue carrying out their part of the plan. There are many different methods of communicate progress with other people, but always have to recover to choose correct one. One can be very effective, the others less. For example Meetings These can vary from one-time kickoff meetings to daily meetings of small groups of team members, weekly or monthly executive updates, or occasional all-hands meetings. Although you cant guarantee that people will pay attention in a meeting, getting people in the same room is ideal for discussions, brainstorming, and decision making. Status reports These can contain different types of information depending on the audience. Moreover, whether you produce paper or electronic status reports depends on the audience as well. Sending status reports to people makes it easy for them to read the information, and they can choose to scan the reports for pertinent topics or trim them if time is at a premium. Newsletters and email distribution listsThese work well for announcements and other information you want to disseminate to broad audiences. You can distribute information to many people without much effort, but the readers can skip the message if it doesnt apply to them. Section 6 Understand the purpose of improving own performance in a business environment and how to do so 1. Explain the purpose of unbrokenly improving your performance in a business environment. Knowing that you are getting better at something feels good. Sometimes this happens just because you get more and more experienced at doing it. At other times it needs someone to show you how you can improve on what youre doing.Your first step is to decide where you are now and where you want to get to. A lot of organisations try to encourage their staff to continuously improve themselves often referring to it as lifetime learning because they feel that it can help them to improve the organisations overall performance. Businesses and employees should focus on doing their tasks as well as possible, and look for what can be improved. By continuing to improve, an employee can increase job interest, wages, long-term races and a more valued contribution to the organisation and the satisfaction of customers. 2. Describe at least two ways of improving your performance at work.Where relevant, illustrate your answer with specific examples from your own experience. Knowing that you are getting better at something feels good. Sometimes this happens ju st because you get more experienced at doing it. At other times it needs someone to show you how you can improve on what youre doing. First step is to decide where you are now and where you want to get to. For an organisation to survive and grow it must continuously improve its performance. When an organisation makes changes, employees will have to make changes in what they do and how they do it. Improvement can take place in different ways. Examples Learning from mistakes very few people like saying sorry.Nor do they like even admitting to themselves that they have made a mistake. It might boost your morale in short term to blame everyone but yourself when a mistake is made. In longer term, never admitting a mistake can cause problems. Acknowledging your mistakes can help both you and the person youre talking to. He or she will take in that you have admitted your mistake without trying to lay the blame on anyone else, be immediately in a position to try to correct the mistake be cause you have not tried to be obstructive about it, will try to ensure that the same mistake wont occur again by giving your trim training, assistance or support, will appreciate your honesty. Learning from performance polish ups -it is a systematic and periodic process that assesses an individual employees job performance and productivity in relation to certain pre-established criteria and organizational objectives. These reviews tend to be done every 6-12 months so they create a framework for continuous performance review and improvement. Most people think of a performance review as an uncomfortable meeting with their boss a chance to hear how great (or not so great) a job theyve been doing or what sort of salary increase to expect this year. But a good performance review should be much more than this it should be an engaged, two-way conversation between employer and employee.While this is your managers time to share his or her overall evaluation of your strengths and weakness es, it is alsoyourtime to ask insightful questions, receive constructive feedback, and establish a clear plan for improvement or future professional development. Your performance review, whether overwhelmingly positive or somewhat disappointing, is always a great opportunity to learn, grow, and move forward in your career. 3. Briefly describe at least two different types of career pathways that may be available to you. One and the most wanted career pathways for me is kind of administrative job. I would like to work in the office environment.Many of administrative and clerical jobs, like Administrative Assistant, Data Entry Clarke, Secretary and other, all are about following procedures, checking things and keeping records. So, Im organised person, true and pay close attention to detail. I have ability to use my own initiative, but also know when matters need to be referred to a supervisor. piece career pathway for me is the social service sector. All of these services are about h elping people. I could work as Social Work Assistant, Family assert Worker or Youth and Community Worker. Ive got a caring personality and want to help people during trying times in their lives. I want to make a positive difference to children and their families lives, and help them have a better future.Unfortunately, I dont have specific qualifications to work in this environment, but the most of employers giving training before work begin. Section 7 Understand the types of problems that may occur in a business environment and how to deal with them 1. Identify at least two different types of problems that can occur in a business environment. At work, problems are at the centre of what many people do every day. Youre either resoluteness a problem for a client (internal or external), supporting those who are solving problems, or discovering new problems to solve. The problems you face can be large or small, simple or complex, and easy or difficult to solve. Regardless of the natur e of the problems, a fundamental part of every managers role is finding ways to solve them.There are two main types of problems that may occur at work environment Minor problems small and usually have obvious, easy-to-implement solutions, where you can use your own knowledge and experience to come up with a workable solution. Major problems are likely to have serious consequences and need careful consideration, they must be referred to a senior manager. In this instance, you should inform a senior manager as soon as possible. 2. Complete the table below by describing at least two specific problems that can occur at work and how they can be dealt with. Problem Dealing with the problem 1.Equipment failure Need to report the problem to store manager, he need to call engineer to fix it up 2. Customer complaint about hair in food Ask shift manager to deal with customer. Need to apologise customer, offer replace food, extra dessert.Check that they are kept food sa fety roles on the kitchen. 3. Complete the table below by listing at least two problems you are able to deal with yourself and two problems you would need to refer to others to deal with (and how you would refer these problems). Problems I can deal with Problems I would need to refer to others How are problems referred to others? 1. Delivery not arrived need to contact 1. Computer crashing Report to computer technician by telephone. with head office by telephone, to find out what happened. 2. Stock on front look for run out need to 2. Important equipment failure Report to store manager. If is present in go to expressroom to pick up some stock or store face to face, if not by phone call delegate someone to stock up or by email. Should leave note in managers diary for next shift manager, to let him know about problem
Friday, May 24, 2019
A Contribution to the Economy Turning Into a Life Threatening Situation
In this growing economy, where people are involved in a rat race for survival, there are generation we do not realize that the deeds we are doing for the betterment of the economy could affect our lives. An example of such a scenario could be the toxic secretion of a leather industry into the sea.Of course when we look at the leather factory, we consider that the leather that is being created in the factory will be further employ in making goods such as shoes and bags which can then be exported to other countries for sale.Such a description for the factory would mean that the factory itself has a fine intention of building the economy as a whole. However, what one does not realize is that the toxic waste which is emanating from the factory into the sea could cause a lot of diseases for those living in the vicinity.SolutionIn order to overcome this life threatening scenario into a less critical one would be by considering negotiation or mediation in the legal terms where the two par ties whitethorn get together to reach an parallelism. The only solution that may come in genius when in such a situation is to talk to the owner of the factory in order to convince about the difficulties being faced by the citizens. The citizens may also get together to from a public representation against the intoxication and approach the law making aspect of the country if a mutual agreement cannot be achieved between the two.ReferencesInternet. (2007). How Laws Are Made. Retrieved on January 25, 2009 from http// New York State Archives. Environmental Affairs in New York State An Historical Overview. Retrieved on January 25, 2009 from http// The Internet Movie Database. (2009). A Civil Action. Retrieved on January 25, 2009 from http//
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Advanced Nursing
With the development of more innovative ways to deliver consumer centered quality wellness c are services the traditional professional roles of hold up and doctor are being transformed. The shift from provider driven to consumer driven wellness care constitution anticipated a change in traditional ethical, cultural, and structural doctrine of professions in the system.As such, in that respect is distinct shift in organization and culture of nursing profession, which includes the way go down ons are educated, development of new nursing competencies, Code of Ethics, and a Code of Conduct, influences of human rights movement, opportunity indemnity, and legislation.There deem been quite a tot up of speculations and denunciation behind the marchment of move on nursing formula but generally a lot of potential and promises have been seen from this profession. Proof of this is that States such as Kansas have since revised their laws concerning the utilisation since 1999, and h as generated positive responses thus far ( value Practice Act changes to be introduced in 1999, 1999).Similar cases in which there was an increase in the number of advanced nursing Practitioners has also been noted in States alike(p) Connecticut, where a community of APNs started their own discussion group until they found that their population has increase since they were realized in the late 1990s (Capobianco, 1999).Definition of ripe(p) Nursing PracticeAdvanced nursing practice at its simplest, is the attainment of further education, caring skills and field of practice of registered moderates. Those who are undergoing advanced nursing practice posses a masters or heretofore a doctorate degree in nursing, and in doing so may style themselves to additional certification examinations.The practitioners of Advanced Nursing Practice are called Advanced Practice imbibes or APNs may also take the task of Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM), Nurse Practitioner (NP), Clinical Nurse Specia list (CNS) or Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) whenever contractd. They may also administer primary health care, perform mental health services, diagnose and prescribe medicine, do some scientific research and finally they can also teach in checkup and nursing schools.As with other professions, examinations are conducted to earn and maintain licenses which some professionals claim as almost like trying to acquire a medical practice license (Advanced Practice Nursing, 2006).Another definition of advanced nursing practice comes from Jeffrey Bauer, one of the authors of Telemedicine and the Reinvention of Healthcare The Seventh Revolution in Medicine. He defines advanced practice nursing as not just the attainment of higher education and training of a foster but also the pursuit of chastity through the six foundations of professional autonomy.Bauer also noted that APNs can manage their own clinical practice and that they are probably the solution for the countrys ever present shortage of health care practitioners (Sharp, 2000).Brown (2003) in the position realmment defines advanced practice nursing as an umbrella term abstract for a licensed registered nurse prepared at the graduate degree level with specialized knowledge and skills that are applied within a panoptic range of forbearing populations in a variety of practice settings.The competencies of specialists include the ability to assess, conceptualize, diagnose, and analyze complex problems related to health. Credentials for a specialist require current licensure as a registered nurse, at least a masters degree in nursing, current topic certification in the advanced practice area, and benediction by the board of nursing, (Brown, 2003, p. 391).As such, even though there is a variety of definitions that are used by scholars to define advanced nursing practice, there are three crucial features that distinguish advanced practice nursing from a regular registered nurse graduate level adva nced education, strong relevant and detail theoretical base, professional application of theoretical knowledge in a day to day practice.Definition and Roles of a Nurse PractitionerA nurse practitioner (NP) is an advanced practicing nurse, whose practice is focused on services that meet the general needs of community, individuals, families and groups. NP is one of the four types of dances practicing nurses, the other three certified nurse midwife, certified registered nurse anesthetist, and clinical nurse specialist normally concentrate on a specific area of health, such as cancer care, gerontology, mental or national health (Hickey, 2000).High level of demand for nurse practitioners that is caused by economic efficiency of these specialists as compared with doctors is a factor of the roles and focus of services provided by NP.When it comes to disquisition about the scope of roles attributed to a nurse practitioner, they are broad. Earlier definitions address health promotion and disease prevention as well as bring diagnosis and management of common illnesses alongside with stable chronic diseases.Nurse practitioners roles also include ordering, conducting, and interpreting laboratory tests alongside with prescriptions, treatments, and therapies. The general roles moldiness then be matched with the specific theoretical background of a nurse practitioner and the field of practice (Raingruber, 2003).As such, the focus of the nursing practitioners roles is on chronic health care treatment, performance of parental, child care, well-woman and adult care check ups, and, finally, health promotion and teaching alongside with disease prevention.Primary attention is given lately to patient nurse practitioner relationships and the scope of NP roles in a given situation. Firstly, scholars emphasize advocacy relationships in the midst of the two, as there is a conflict between NPs freedom to practice and patients rights and interests in health care settings.Ellen W. B ernal (2002) emphasizes the importance of friendly relationships between patients and medical personnel and the role of a nurse practitioner as a patients advocate. Under this view, NPs are to identify unsafe and unethical practices and at the same time maintain own autonomy in order to be able to openly stand up to moral and ethical dilemmas.At the same time, the need to maintain treatment boundaries within the nurse thickening relationship is also one of the roles of nurse practitioners. As nurse find themselves employmenting in different therapeutic settings working on his/her own or as a member of a team, the boundaries of client relationships are often a subject to examen (Peternelj-Taylor, & Yonge, 2003).As such, one of the roles of NP is to adequately respond to the testing within the boundaries of professional integrity. Even though there is a large amount of literature addressing therapeutic treatment boundaries for nurse practitioners, it is impossible to address every situation and the issue still remains to be up to nurses consent, whereas the role of NP is to establish and maintain working boundaries in patient relationships.Professional Issues Surrounding Advanced Nursing PracticePerhaps, the hottest issue surrounding current ANP is the blurring line between being a doctor and ANP. To be more specific, ANPs feel as though their stain is slowly being intruded by APNs, which they believe is outrageously unfair for them who have the proper and real right to administer medical attention to patients.A drastically change magnitude number of ANPs in the United States, which doubled within the past 10 years and, under the most modest predictions, is likely to double within the future(a) 4 years. The scope of the issue is broad, as in more then half of the states ANPs are allowed to practice without any distinct requirement for physician watchfulness or collaboration (Mccabe & Burman, 2006).Going even further then this, as nurses have authority to prescribe some drugs and are eligible for Medicaid reimbursement in every state it is economically unreasonable for patients, whose focus shifted towards sustaining medicine and health care, to pay for considerably more expensive medical services provided by a physician. As such, there is a conflict between the roles of physicians and APNs, which leads to uncertainty and deprives medical students to pursue additional education.Thus, a way in which this matter can be solved is by putting a limit on what an APN can and cannot do by setting-up a set of guidelines and regulations that will clearly state the roles of the physician and APN so that arguments like these would be avoided (Edmunds, 1999).It should be further pointed out, that the issue is very challenging, as there is a need to issue federal level guidelines and, perhaps, even regulates market economically in order to resolve the current argument.Other professional issues surrounding Advanced Nursing Practice are related to patient-nursing roles, Ethical Code of Ethics and a Code of Conduct that define nursing behavior in a given situation. Being complicated and complex previously, they become a subject to even wider interpretation as a result of blurring difference between the roles of physician and APN, as they question the current hierarchy in health organizations and current reimbursement policy in health institutions.ConclusionNurses are the backbone of the industry and thus it should be equated that a strong backbone is required for the integrity of the industry. Unfortunately, inability of government to establish in a timely manner guidelines for advanced nursing practice results in a conflict between the roles of a physician and a nurse practitioner, which leads to uncertainty and potential misconduct.And still, it is clear that the advantages and benefits of advanced nursing practices far outweigh its consequences. It should also be noted that there are boundaries and limits that are establish ed between the two professions and that any argument regarding these should be settled in a much rather mild-mannered and professional way. After all, professionalism is all about work and anything that is taken personally should be shrugged off.ReferencesAdvanced nursing practice update. (1999). Kansas State Nurses Association. Retrieved July 31, 2006 from http// Practice Nursing. (15 July 2006). Retrieved July 31, 2006 from http//, E. W. (2002). The Nurse as Patient Advocate. The Hastings Center Report, 22(4), 18.Brown, M.A., & Draye, M.A. (2003). Experiences of pioneer nurse practitioners in establishing advanced practice roles. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 35(4), 391-397.Capobianco, M. (1999). Advanced practice nursing in the northwest Theres a lot happening in our teensy corner of the state. Connecticut Nursing News. Sept/Nov. Retrieved July 31, 20 06 from http//, Marilyn W. (1999). Increasing professional tension limits NP opportunities. Springhouse Corporation. Retrieved July 31, 2006 from http//, J. V. (2000). ANCC Responds. Perspectives in psychiatric Care, 36(1), 33.Mccabe, S., & Burman, M. E. (2006). A tommyrot of Two APNs Addressing Blurred Practice Boundaries in APN Practice. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 42(1), 3.Nurse Practice Act changes to be introduced in 1999. Kansas Nurses. Jan. 1999.Peternelj-Taylor, C. A., & Yonge, O. (2003). Exploring Boundaries in the Nurse-Client Relationship Professional Roles and Responsibilities. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 39(2), 55.Raingruber, B. (2003). Nurture The Fundamental Significance of Relationship as a Paradigm for Mental Health Nursing. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 39(3), 104.Sharp, Nancy. (2000). The 21st centu ry belongs to nurse practitioners. Nurse Practitioner, April, 2000.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Chaucerââ¬â¢s Humor
Chaucer has been acclaimed as the first realist, the first humorist, the first narrative operative, the first great character-painter, and the first great metrical graphicsist in English literature. But it is powerful and ubiquitous presence of Chaucers humour that makes him distinct among others writers and poets of English Literature hitherto. Chaucer perpetually observes or perceives the humorous placement of any facade of human life. His humor is not constrained to his emotions but it encircles all of his interests, his beliefs, his whole being and his everything.If he manifests his knowledge and information about a wide variety of things, he also mocks, creates caricatures, parodies with the help of same knowledge. It seems that manifestation of knowledge in this way, he tries to relieve himself. For example, he shows his interest in uranology and manifests its knowledge here and there in Canterbury Tales he also utilizes his extensive and intensive knowledge of astrology as satirical and mocking frequently. He has an scarce sense of humor.The main reason for this outstanding achievement is that his use of humor has an outstanding multiplicity and variety. Unlike most humorists, he does employ the tone of exaggeration and fantasy. He concentrates on the traits and aims at providing the real mirror images. Additionally, his least-cynical observation of realities of life and traits of human beings enables him to produced unparalleled humor. When this effort mingles with his in-depth knowledge of things and his witticism, humorist effect is created.He achieves humor through a variety of elements including plot, characterization, language, pace, and timing,. Fir example in The Merchants Tale, he does juxtaposes genre of baronial love and religion against each other and mocks them. Different precepts of courtly love ar satirized by characterization and are undermined to an extent by effective utilization of images, descriptions and tone that it seems comi cal and illogical.So there is no reason to recall the fact that a great deal of liveliness and reality in Chaucers poetry is due to his all-pervasive humor and he is unsurpassable in this art of creating humorous sketches and verbal renderings that represent a probably every facet of the contemporary life. Kemp Malone and Albert Croll Baugh observation that Chaucer is sometimes denied the rank of a great poet, on the show that he lacked higher seriousness, that his poetry is without great themes nobly conceived is true to some extent but not utterly.The assumption that his poetry is devoid of great themes is base on misconception. His major contribution towards the content of poetry is in his advocacy of and strict adherence to realism. His Canterbury Tales embodies a new effort in the history of literature, as it strictly deals with real men, manners, and life. He realized, to adopt Popes famous couplet (with a little change) Know then thyself presume not dreams to scan, The co mme il faut study of mankind is man. And the product of this realization was The Canterbury Tales.This poem, as it were, holds a mirror to the life of Chaucers age and shows it manners and morals completely, not in fragments. Chaucer replaces efficaciously the shadowy delineations of the old romantic and allegorical school with the vivid and pulsating pictures of contemporary life. ( Brewer, 1978) Chaucers tone as a poet is wonderfully instinct with geniality, tolerance, humor, and freshness which are absent from that of his contemporaries and predecessors who are too dreamy or too serious to be interesting. References Brewer, Derek. Chaucer and his world. New York Dodd, Mead, 1978.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Implement person centred approaches in health Essay
1. pardon what is meant by Person Centred ValuesIt is to ensure that an case-by-case is at the centre of their c are and in control of the planning and support, upholding and promoting dignity, choice, individualististicity, respect, rights and privacy, license and fusion.2. Explain why it is important to work in a bearing that embeds someone centred approachIt is important to work in a way that embeds mortal centred approach in order to promote individuality , this throw ins the individual to make their accept choices and decisions. This also enables them to understand the consequences as well as the possible risks of such decisions and choice that may relate to their own health and well-being.3. Explain why risk taking depose be a part of person centred approachTaking risks should not exclude a person from participating because the benefit can exposeweigh the risk. The ability to recognise, access and manage risks is essential to a persons physical safety. It is the duty of a care provider to support the independence of the individual and manage whatsoever associated risks. Once the individual has made a choice, a risk assessment can then be put into smudge and recorded in the care plans.4. Explain why using an individuals care plan contributes to working in a person centred wayJust as our needs interpolate, so do those of the individuals we support. It is important to recognise that as needs change, the support which is provided will also need to be reviewed regularly, to come up if any changes or adjustments are required. You throw a responsibility to listen to theindividual, and to hear what they are saying, to write down any information about the change or support in their care plan and contact your supervisor or passenger car if this is likely to have an impact on the level, or type of care and support that is provided.5. Explain the importance of establishing consent when providing care or supportConsent should be gained for all a ctivity, even if you were getting clothes out for an individual, you should ask for their consent, Consent helps to promote dignity, stops abuse, and allows the individual to make their own choices . It is essential for people not only to give their consent, but also to richly understand what they are consenting to, and the implications of this. People have become more comfortable with the idea of being asked for their views and consent. If no consent is given then you cannot go along with the care. It is illegal to carry out a task without consent, or to put pressure on the person and go against their wishes. Consent can be implied oral or written. Gaining consent protects both the carer and the person against legal challenges.6. Explain what steps should be taken if consent cannot be readily establishedA persons capacity to give consent should be assessed at the time the consent is required. Sometimes the person may not understand the choices they have or what is being asked of them. We must make sure as care workers that we do our best to help the person understand as much as they can. In the case of most of the individuals we care for, the individuals are usually asked to give consent, but if consent is not able to be given by the individual, then family members may give consent on their behalf.If a family member refuses to give consent to something that would place the individuals health in danger ,you would immediately need to contact your manager and ask them for advice, and to speak to the individual or family about any concerns. In general when seeking consent from the individual, if a person does not understand the inquire and every effort has been made, the next of kin is usually asked. If a person has a mental health disordersuch as dementia or a learning disability such as autism an advocate may be able to give consent for them.7. Describe how active participation benefits the individualActive participation is essential to a persons well-being and happiness, it allows the individual to think about what they can do for their egotism. It allows the individual to socialise and have relationships with others, and stops them from isolating themselves. It promotes independence and can help enhance the quality of the individuals life.8. What kind of barriers is there that may prevent active participation?The kind of barriers are learning difficulties, physical disabilities and language barriers. You need to find ways to reduce barriers to activate participation by physical aids, communication aids and visual aids.9. Explain why a workers personal view should not influence an individuals choiceA workers personal view should not influence an individuals choice because it takes away the individuals human rights, and their ability to make choices for their self, It can affect their self esteem, it takes away the individuals dignity, respect and fairness. It does not allow the individual to have their own thoughts and beliefs.10.De scribe how to support an individual to question or challenge decisions concerning them that are made by othersThat depends on the mental capacity of the individual you want to support. First, you must get their permission and then you must get them to express as exactly what help they feel they need. Then you can cover further information, suggestions, and a plan to challenge such decisions. You could offer to be their spokesperson if they werent confident enough to speak out, or to accompany them to any hearing or appointment. If theperson is mentally impaired, you would have to get their signed permission to speak and act on their behalf before any health or social care workers would listen to you. Because of issues of confidentiality, you either have to be next of kin, or obtain powers of attorney or guardianship.11.Explain how individuals identity and egotism are linked with well-beingPeople come from different back grounds and have different views and needs. In order for olde r people to benefit their maximum potential, their basicphysical and psychological needs should be met first. People have a chance of feeling good about them self if they are respected, encouraged to be independent, actively take part in traditions associated with their culture and religious beliefs.12.Describe attitudes and approaches that are likely to promote an individuals well-beingTo work in partnership to achieve and set goals that are realistic,encourage individuals to develop and gain confidence in order to feel good about themselves and raise their own self esteem by communication with positive encouragement and active listening. Helping the individual to develop as much independence and assertiveness as they can. creating and maintaining a positive environment with interesting activities and pleasant surroundings.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Meaning of Life Essay
Heres what a recent survey found 25% of people say it is to seek truth and do meaning for yourself 22% think the meaning of action is to lovingly help others and make the world fail 18% say there is no meaning 8% think it is to reproduce and continue your genes and the human being race 8% say it is to find happiness 6% believe it is to learn how to serve and devotion God, while 8% dont know mend it seems there are several purposes to life, intuition is beginning to reveal there is wholeness fundamental purpose to all life. Every moment of your beingness your body works to keep energy flowing.Every second you breathe air, you add food and piddle to replace the energy you use. Everything you sense or do is connected to the flow of energy in one form or another. You are so used to this energy flow that you hardly notice it. It is the ultimate process of your life. If your energy stops flowing you die flowing energy differentiates living creatures from dead ones. While t he purpose of all life might be to help energy flow, the same laws of energy aim that a meaning of your own life is to find how your energy flows best.Is this science echoing those scriptures that suggest you get under ones skin your own unique gift that you should use? What does your energy enable you to do best? This can be as simple as determining what you are truly passionate about or what you do better than anyone else. Unfortunately, many of us are not aware of what this is. As such, the individual(a) meaning of your life is for you to discover what makes your energy flow best and then how to do that. How you use energy best varies for everyone therefore, everyone has a slightly different meaning to someone else.Ignoring this means your energy will be all meld up and your life will be chaotic. This is what most scriptures and ghostly writings are trying to communicate us, but just didnt understand energy well enough. If you look at ancient scriptures and spiritual writi ngs in terms of energy you start to realise that they, and modern science, are all aspect something similar. In short, while the purpose of all life is about helping energy flow, spread and balance, your individual meaning is about determining how you do this best, what you do that helps your energies flow best.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Statement of Purpose Physiotherapy
I am an Occupational Therapist passed appear from Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Institute for the Physically Handicapped, Delhi University (Ministry of Social justice and Empowerment, Government of India). My professional Qualification (B. Sc. (Hons. ) Occupational Therapy is recognized by World federation of Occupational Therapy and Validated by Association of Occupational Therapy, Ireland, Department of Health and child. short I am associated with the Health care segment of the largest business group in India, Medybiz Private Limited, bare-ass Delhi (India) as an Occupational Therapist and Counselor. There was already an inherent desire to enhance the horizon in my career and I was on the lookout for options. In my understanding, your esteemed university provides a suitable ground for me to alter my skills by application of previously acquired knowledge during my working days.I was associated with Rajkumari Amrit Kaur child Study center and The alter Centre, Department of Child Developm ent, Lady Irwin College (Delhi University, India) as an Occupational Therapist and Counselor from 1st July 2003 to 28th February 2006 where I was responsible for providing Individual as well as Group Therapy to the age group 0-18 years for Children with special(prenominal) needs.My experience with this age group, and where so in this field has become a basis for applying to your university for Child and childish Mental Health (CAMH) MSc. After having gone through my profile, I am quite hopeful that you give give enough precedence to my case and offer me the desired course. I am also corking to receive the 30% scholarship, which will help me fulfill my dreams of studying in the UK. With the knowledge gained I would be able to return to my home country and do honours to the field of Occupational Therapy in India.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Management of Human Resources is one of the free websites which connect companies around the country with groundbreaking HR practices and solutions. The advantages of the web site are careful selection of information and categories, unique design and tardily registration. Taking into account the design if the webpage it is possible to say that it represents the best way to convey the essence of some(prenominal) information. In other words, it is balance between graphics and text and even the quality and style of linguistic communication and expression also important tool which form social identity.The disadvantage of the site is that it is to navigate and hear necessary information at once. The site has a search engine but it does not get hold all articles and pages available on the site. This website thrives because it offers its participants exchange of common interests a sense of place with codes of behavior the growth of stimulating dialogues encouragement for active participation by more than a n exclusive few.The great emphasis is placed on conceptual ability, and proportionately. Both the content and possibility of forming relationships with buyers and with the managers act as a magnet, drawing visitors rachis to the site on a frequent and regular basis. The web site covers main social issues and tidings in order to attract potential consumers and deliver high service quality. Also, they propose answers to the important questions for any business and life economic conditions and quotes, HR innovations and solutions ( Home Page 2007). The coolest involvement about is Blogging Community.It includes overview of member intercommunicate contributions and their research results, articles on different topics and discussions. The coolest thing about is a-z index which helps to find necessary information or person. The coolest thing about is a news in brief section which highlights the main events and current news. The coolest thi ng about Prospera is a 30 day free trial for potential buyers. On, I disfavour two animated videos (advertisements) which spoil impression about the site.They move all the time and it is really awkward to concentrate on a particular subject or information. Student membership is available on this site. Guest membership is free but Individual and Student Membership Level requires fees (from $50 up to $299 US/per year). In general, fulfils three major functions it helps to make choices, makes possible relationships with others, and gives strength and Home Page (2007). Retrieved 09 kinfolk 2007, from
Friday, May 17, 2019
Current Ethical Issues Paper Essay
The Virtual Organization that I invite chosen to discuss is the Huffman Trucking Company. The Huffman Trucking Companys mission is to be a fat companionship that is capable of proceeds and able to adapt in an industry that is intensely competitive in a worry environment. The vision of the Huffman Trucking Company is to become a model company to its give employees, stockholders, stakeholders and its customers.The Huffman Trucking Company is based in the United States and its customers are based in the United States as well of its primary customers being the United States government itself. Customers of the Huffman Trucking Company also include self-propelled part suppliers and its manufacturers. The Huffman Trucking Company also transports electronic parts to its customers. They also transport raw materials for manufactures of fictile goods as well as many other materials.The Huffman Trucking Company is a medium surface company and currently employs 925 drivers and 425 supp ort personnel. Its facilities are located in Cleveland OH, Los Angeles CA, St. Louis MO and Bayonne NJ. The Huffman Trucking Company currently owns and operates 800 road tractors, 2,100 45 foot trailers and 260 roll-on/roll-off units. Each piece of equipment undergoes honorablety maintenance every 25000 miles which ensures the safety of its drivers and the safe arrival of its customers precious cargo.The Huffman Trucking Company is privately own company which was founded by K. Huffman who was a native of, and born in Cleveland OH. K. Huffman founded the Huffman Trucking Company in 1936 with the use of a single(a) tractor-trailer. The trucking company got its start during World War II, the company was able to grow quickly during this time. This growth was due to an increased need for shipping services in 1945 between the Midwest and the East coast. By 1945, the Huffman Trucking Company grew from a single tractor-trailer to 16 tractor and 36 trailers.As a way out of naughty intern et sales, the Huffman Trucking Company continues to grow this continued growth allows for the company to remain privately owned. The one and only(a) ethical issue that I found with the Huffman Trucking Company is that 100% of the companys schooling Software Systems are outsourced to countries outside of the United States. This poses to be an ethical issue because it seems contradictory because the company is owned by an American and was started in the United States and all of its business is conducted inside of the United States.By outsourcing parts of the business, this company that is American owned seems to be capable of cutting corners to save money on staffing its departments. In an effort to save money by outsourcing, the Huffman Trucking Company may lose the loyalty of its employees and its customers. Its employees may begin to feel as though their current positions within the company are not lasting positions and could be at stake of being outsourced as well. With that f ear may come a cliff in trust of their employer the Huffman Trucking Company.When employee ratings are low, productivity decreases and can have an effect on the company on a puffyr scale. Employees may be come unproductive and as a result of poor customer service, sales decrease and put the company in jeopardy. A once large and long standing company will crumble if the trust of its employees is lost. It may be wise for the business to reconsider outsourcing an entire department and giving away jobs that are greatly needed here in the United States.
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Heres what a recent survey found 25% of people say it is to seek truth and do meaning for yourself 22% think the meaning of action is to...
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